Saturday, November 26, 2011

Convert end-of-line character from DOS to UNIX

End-of-line (EOL) characters signifies the end of a line of a text (how surprising!). Just to make life more difficult, different operating systems use different EOL marker. In short, some of them use simply a line feed (LF, or '\n' in C/C++), others use carriage return (CR, or '\r' in C/C++) individually, or CR followed by LF. Unix-like systems (Unix, BSD, Linux, Mac OS X) use LF, while Windows (DOS) uses CR+LF. Thus, if you work under Linux and copy a text from a file formatted in Windows and paste it in vim, you will have empty lines after every line endings. It can be annoying. Fortunately, you can change the EOL marker of any text files easily. To do that, you need a package called flip.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

How to install vim-latexsuite in Debian Squeeze

After installing vim-latexsuite, it is not enabled by default. If you want to use it your user, you should enable it by vim add-on manager. Execute the following command in a terminal emulator (e.g. gnome-terminal):

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

How to add Debian Mozilla Team's archive key to apt keyring

The Debian Mozilla Team provides various versions of some Mozilla related packages for use on different Debian systems. Their homepage serves as an excellent basis for adding their repositories to /etc/apt/sources.list, and for installing different versions of Iceweasel (Firefox) and Icedove (Thunderbird). So, I do not repeat it here. However, in order to add their archive key to the apt keyring, one has to install debian-keyring first.